Wednesday, June 2, 2010

15 months old!

We went for Maddox's 15 month check-up last week. He weighed in at 26 pounds and was 33 inches tall. He has hit a growth spurt for sure! I am not surprised though since he eats like a champ! He had three more shots (which he of course was not thrilled about), but he was brave and made it through.

Maddox is changing and growing more everyday. He sure does have a lot to say lately...he is constantly talking. I can't make out most of what he is saying, but there are several words in there I can understand. Some of the words he is saying besides mama and daddy of course are ball, bird, plane, boat, woof woof (for dog), bye-bye, eat-eat (his favorite pastime), shoes, side (slang for outside which is where he would spend all day every day if possible). He has also started saying please and thank you. He doesn't always say thank you at the right times though. Sometimes he says it when he hands you something, but he has also started saying it some when I give him something too so he should have it down before too long. And I guess I am in for it now because who could turn down that sweet little face especially when a sweet little please is involved.

He is also giving out lots of "sugies" lately. Pretty much anytime you ask for one (and sometimes when you don't) he plants a big old open mouth kiss right on your lips. It is just about the sweetest thing ever. If you want one all you have to do is ask, because he is handing them out right and left lately! :)

Here are a few pictures from this past Mothers Day that I never posted (oops). We did have a great day. Maddox enjoyed running around outside and he carried around Jackson's drumstick pretty much the whole day. It plays music when you tap on stuff. It was a big hit...I guess we need to find him one of these.

1 comment:

Amy said...

So sweet! He is just getting so big :) I love the picture at the top with sand on his face :)

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers