Tuesday, September 7, 2010

18 months

It is hard to believe that Maddox is already 18 months old! He is just growing up before our very eyes! Maddox's daddy took him for his 18 month check-up last week and he did great! He weighed in at 29 lbs., 4 oz and was 33 1/2 inches tall. At his 15 month check-up they said he was 33 inches tall, but we are pretty sure that was off a bit since we measured him at home around a month after that and he was only around 32.5 inches. He only had to get one shot at his appointment and that was his flu shot. Hopefully we can avoid the flu this year. We've already been at the doctor, just two weeks after school started with bronchitis, so I'm hoping Maddox's immune system will hurry up and get used to being around so many little germs each day!

It is amazing to see all that he is learning and able to do these days. His new favorite word now is "no". He says no a lot of things like sharing his food or brushing his teeth (he still isn't enjoying this chore). It is pretty cute now, but I have a feeling the cuteness will wear off at some point. He also says "hot" and "cold" a lot. He will point to the stove and say "hot" or if he sees a candle burning he says it too. Another big favorite is "football" but he pronounces it more like the Europeans do and says "futbol". Everytime he sees a football, a helmet, or any clip on tv pertaining to football, he screams out "football". We are working on "War Eagle" also, but at this point it is just a "Waaaaaaaar E!"

His little personality is just coming out more and more and I just fall in love with him over and over again each day. How did I get so lucky to be blessed with such an amazing little guy?

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