We have been pretty busy lately with weddings, showers, birthday parties, etc. Blake went on a business trip to Orlando last week (too bad Maddox and I couldn't have tagged along on this one). Even though we were jealous that we didn't get to go to DisneyWorld, Daddy brought back lots of souvenirs for Maddox including his new Mickey t-shirt he is showing off below. He let me get a good shot of the back. He thinks Mickey is funny looking I guess because he always laughs when I show him the back of the shirt. Maddox also got a very cool Pluto stuffed animal and a Mickey soccer ball that he has enjoyed playing with too. We can't wait to actually take him to DisneyWorld when he gets bigger. I know he will have so much fun!

Last night I was vacuuming and I guess Maddox decided he better start pulling his weight because I looked over and he was helping me out. His vacuum is pretty cool because it plays music, but it's too bad it doesn't have suction power because I could really put him to work!

In addition to kitchen utensils, Maddox is also obsessed with remotes, real remotes that is. You can't fool him with talking Elmo remotes...he wants the real deal. He knows how to use them too. He always picks it up and points it at the tv to try to work it. I guess he has taken good notes from Mommy and Daddy.